"Yo're never too old to be young."
Snow White
Danes je poseben dan.
V znamenju števila sedem. Čisto pravljičen dan.
Today is a special day.
The sign of the number seven. Really magical day.
Spomladi me je razveselila s posebnim povabilom, da prvič postanem gostja ustvarjalnega izziva.
Bila sem zelo počaščena in vesela vabila, da se pridružim Milki in
My crafty friend Milka hosts a very interesting challenge I Love Marth.
I was honored and really happy when she invited me to join her and Neha at the challenge
beacuse this is my first time as a Guest Designer.
Čeprav sama nisem matematik in
še vedno najraje pri računanju uporabim svoje prste - je še najbolj sigurno :)
sem z veseljem sprejela izziv in upala, da ne bo pretežak.
I'm not a Math person, at all.
I still most of the time using my fingers for simple calculation
but I'm gladly accepted this challenge and hoped that it won't be difficult.
Ko sem izvedela, da se izziv imenuje število 7,
sem takoj dobila idejo, kaj bom ustvarila, saj sem navdih našla ob pripovedovanju pravljice v šoli.
Ali znaš poimenovati vseh 7 palčkov?
When I found out that the theme of the challenge N°7 is actually number 7,
I immediately got an idea what to create and I found an inspiration in my classrom when I read a fairy tale.
Can you name all the seven dwarfs?
Na voščilnici sem ustvarila pravljično gozdno pokrajino in
ljubka okenca za katerimi domuje sedem palčkov:
Vseznalček, Godrnjavček, Hihitavček, Zaspanček, Kihavček, Sramežljivček in Jecljavček.
I created forest landscape with lovely peek a boo windows
and the seven dwarfs from My Favourite Thing that I fuzzy cutted and coloured with Zigs:
Doc, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, Sneezy, Bashful and Dopey.
Se sprašujete, kje se skrivata še dva palčka?
Pokukaj v notranjost voščilnice, saj se tam nadaljuje zgodba
o sedmih palčkih.
Are you wondering where are two more dwars hidden?
Well look inside the card
as the story of the seven dwars continues there.
Ob koncu
izziva bo lepa nagrada, zato pokukaj k
Milki in
kjer boš našel še več navdiha in se nam pridruži, saj bo srečni izžrebanec izmed TOP 4
At the end of the challenge there will be a nice prize,
so look at Milka's and Neha's blog, where you will find some more inspiration and you can join us.
One lucky winner among TOP 4 will receive one Jane's Doodles stamp set of winners choice.
7. oktober je tudi
svetovni dan izdelovanja voščilnic.
And this is not all.
October 7 is also
World Card Making Day.
Zato vam vsem želim lep dan!
Wish you all Happy World Card Making Day!