"The essence of mathematics is not to make simple things
complicated, but to make complicated things simple."
S. Gudder
Valentina in matematika?
Vem, kaj boste rekle, saj ti dve pa res ne gresta skupaj.
In kako prav imate, z matematiko nisva največji prijateljici. :)
Mi je pa zato v toliko večji izziv.
Valentina and Math?
I know some of you might say, that we don't fit together.
And you know, you are right, beacuse we're not the biggest friends. :)
Therefor, this is so much more challenging.
Res sem vesela, saj se vam tokrat oglašam s prav posebno objavo.
Tokrat se prvič oglašam kot članica ustvarjalne ekipe.
Danes se namreč pridružujem izzivu I Love Math Challenge
kot njihova članica ekipe in sem zelo navdušena.
Hello, there.
I'm really happy to announce special news.
This is my first posting as one of a Design Team members.
Today I'm joining I Love Math Challenge as a new Design Team member
and I'm super excited.
In ker izzivom vedno rada rečem DA,
sem sprejela prijazno povabilo ustvarjalne prijateljice Milke.
Milka namreč že 4. leto zapored gosti izziv, kjer združuje dve svoji veliki strasti:
matematiko in ustvarjanje.
Because I always like to say YES to new challenges,
I accepted this lovely invitation from my crafty friend Milka.
Milka is for the 4th year in a row hosting a very interesting challenge,
which combines her two great passions - Math and Crafts.
Tema tokratnega izziva številka #12 se glasi Geometrijske oblike.
Vse kar moraš narediti je, izdelati rojstnodnevno voščilnico v CAS-stilu
in na njej uporabiti katerekoli geometrijske oblike.
Saj ne bo pretežka naloga, kajne?
The theme for the challenge #12 is Geomtrical Shapes.
All you have to do is create a birthday card in CAS-style
and use any geometrical shapes on it.
It won't be too difficult task, right?
Sama sem se poigrala s pravokotniki in
in na njej uporabiti katerekoli geometrijske oblike.
Saj ne bo pretežka naloga, kajne?
The theme for the challenge #12 is Geomtrical Shapes.
All you have to do is create a birthday card in CAS-style
and use any geometrical shapes on it.
It won't be too difficult task, right?
Sama sem se poigrala s pravokotniki in
ustvarila zimski spomin dveh ljubkih pingvinov ujetih na fotografijah.
Za zimsko bleščeč učinek sem dodala še bel svetlikajoč pravokotnik washi traka.
Piko na i pa dodaja srce, ki povezuje oba pingvina.
I played with different rectangles and
created a winter memory with these two lovely penguins captured in polaroids.
For the winter glittering effect I added a white glittering washi tape in the shape of rectangle.
A touch at the end is a small heart that connects both penguins.
Ob koncu izziva bo lepa nagrada,
srečni izžrebanec bo prejel čudovit set štampiljk Jane's Doodles po lastni izbiri.
Za zimsko bleščeč učinek sem dodala še bel svetlikajoč pravokotnik washi traka.
Piko na i pa dodaja srce, ki povezuje oba pingvina.
I played with different rectangles and
created a winter memory with these two lovely penguins captured in polaroids.
For the winter glittering effect I added a white glittering washi tape in the shape of rectangle.
A touch at the end is a small heart that connects both penguins.
Ob koncu izziva bo lepa nagrada,
srečni izžrebanec bo prejel čudovit set štampiljk Jane's Doodles po lastni izbiri.
Zato pokukaj tudi k Milki, Nehi in Kaji, kjer boš našel še več navdiha in se nam pridruži pri izzivu.
At the end of the challenge there will be a nice prize,
one lucky winner will receive one Jane's Doodles stamp set of winners choice.
Look at Milka's, Neha's and Kaja's blog where you will find some more inspiration and join us at the challenge.
At the end of the challenge there will be a nice prize,
one lucky winner will receive one Jane's Doodles stamp set of winners choice.
Look at Milka's, Neha's and Kaja's blog where you will find some more inspiration and join us at the challenge.
vau, kako je tole srčkano in krasno, da si se pridružila matematični ekipi :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiČudovito :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiNajprej čestitke za DT. Kar pa se tiče voščilnice - TOP ideja in izveda. Da o tem kako sta luškana tale dva pingulinguta ne igubljam besed :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiLove that concept of Polaroid. Perfect association with the shapes