"Autumn final colour honors the bare soul of winter."
Angie Welland - Crosby
V zraku je čutiti,
da se obarvana jesen poslavlja.
Do you fell?
You can feel in the air,
the coloured autumn is saysing goodbye.
Prav počasi in nežno.
S hladnimi meglenimi jutri in
vetrom v laseh.
Very slowly and gentle.
With cold mornings and
the wind in your hair.
Ti kar kličejo po zimi.
Z mrzlimi dnevi, s šalom okrog vratu.
In toplim, mehkimi puloverji.
They just call after the winter.
With cold days, scarfs around your neck.
In warm soft sweaters.
V toplih barvah jeseni in
z zimsko idilo je nastala voščilnica
s simpatičnimi prijatelji.
In warm colours of autumn
with a winter scene I created a greeting card
with these lovely friends.
Če pogledaš v lesene line, lahko že opaziš
zimsko pokrajino, skozi katero kuka še nekaj zelenja
ter živali, ki se že pripravljajo na zimo.
If you look in the wooden lines, you can already see
a winter landscape with some greenery that is seen through the snow
and a few animal creatures preparing for the winter.
Tokrat sem za izziv I Love Math Challenge #15: Christams/Winter
izdelala voščilnico na temo Winter in združila še oba MFT izziva v barvi ter skici.
Uporabila pa sem zimske živali iz seta Winer Wishes Jane's Doodles.
This time I'm up for the I Love Math Challenge #15: Christams/Winter
with a winter themed card that I made and combined with both MFT Color and Sketch Challenge.
And I used winter animals from the Winter Wishes stamp set Jane's Doodles.
Izziv je, da vključiš nekaj matematičnega in razložiš.
Sama sem uporabila številko 3 in obliko krogov ter 3 pravokotnikov.
Sicer pa opaziš tri kroge, tri živali in uporabila sem izdelke treh oblikovalcev.
In the challege you need to include something matematical and explain.
I used number three in the form of three circles and three rectangulars.
And I also used 3 animals and products of 3 different designers.
Pridruži se nam pri izzivu tudi ti. :)
Ob koncu izziva srečneža čaka lepa nagrada, set štampiljk Jane's Doodles po izbiri.
Za še več navdiha pa pokukaj na blog še k Milki in Nehi
Ter gostjama Priyanka in Anila.
Join us in the challenge!
At the end of the challenge there will be a nice prize one lucky winner will receive Jane's Doodles stamp of your choice.
Look at Milka's and Neha's blog and our guests Priyanka and Anila
where you will find some more inspiration.
Angie Welland - Crosby
V zraku je čutiti,
da se obarvana jesen poslavlja.
Do you fell?
You can feel in the air,
the coloured autumn is saysing goodbye.
Prav počasi in nežno.
S hladnimi meglenimi jutri in
vetrom v laseh.
Very slowly and gentle.
With cold mornings and
the wind in your hair.
Ti kar kličejo po zimi.
Z mrzlimi dnevi, s šalom okrog vratu.
In toplim, mehkimi puloverji.
They just call after the winter.
With cold days, scarfs around your neck.
In warm soft sweaters.
V toplih barvah jeseni in
z zimsko idilo je nastala voščilnica
s simpatičnimi prijatelji.
In warm colours of autumn
with a winter scene I created a greeting card
with these lovely friends.
Če pogledaš v lesene line, lahko že opaziš
zimsko pokrajino, skozi katero kuka še nekaj zelenja
ter živali, ki se že pripravljajo na zimo.
If you look in the wooden lines, you can already see
a winter landscape with some greenery that is seen through the snow
and a few animal creatures preparing for the winter.
Tokrat sem za izziv I Love Math Challenge #15: Christams/Winter
izdelala voščilnico na temo Winter in združila še oba MFT izziva v barvi ter skici.
Uporabila pa sem zimske živali iz seta Winer Wishes Jane's Doodles.
This time I'm up for the I Love Math Challenge #15: Christams/Winter
with a winter themed card that I made and combined with both MFT Color and Sketch Challenge.
And I used winter animals from the Winter Wishes stamp set Jane's Doodles.
Izziv je, da vključiš nekaj matematičnega in razložiš.
Sama sem uporabila številko 3 in obliko krogov ter 3 pravokotnikov.
Sicer pa opaziš tri kroge, tri živali in uporabila sem izdelke treh oblikovalcev.
In the challege you need to include something matematical and explain.
I used number three in the form of three circles and three rectangulars.
And I also used 3 animals and products of 3 different designers.
Pridruži se nam pri izzivu tudi ti. :)
Ob koncu izziva srečneža čaka lepa nagrada, set štampiljk Jane's Doodles po izbiri.
Za še več navdiha pa pokukaj na blog še k Milki in Nehi
Ter gostjama Priyanka in Anila.
Join us in the challenge!
At the end of the challenge there will be a nice prize one lucky winner will receive Jane's Doodles stamp of your choice.
Look at Milka's and Neha's blog and our guests Priyanka and Anila
where you will find some more inspiration.
Hvala, ker obiščeš moj blog in za vse prijazne besede.
Upam, da se nam pridružiš pri tokratnem izzivu, saj imaš čas kar dva meseca.
Želim vam prijazne in tople zadnje jesenske dni!
Preživite jih s hvaležnostjo in v dobri družbi.
Thank you for still stopping by at my blog and all kind comments.
I hope you''ll join us this time at the challenge as you have 2 months.
Upam, da se nam pridružiš pri tokratnem izzivu, saj imaš čas kar dva meseca.
Želim vam prijazne in tople zadnje jesenske dni!
Preživite jih s hvaležnostjo in v dobri družbi.
Thank you for still stopping by at my blog and all kind comments.
I hope you''ll join us this time at the challenge as you have 2 months.
I wish you warm and kind last autumn days!
Spend them with gratitude and in good company.
Voščilnico prijavljam na:
Ljubka je!
OdgovoriIzbrišiLepo si združila vse izzive. Iščem pa matematični izziv :(
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala lepa, Martina. :) Malo z zamudo je bil objavljen.