sobota, 20. avgust 2022

To Bee Or Not To Bee Blog Hop - Svetovni dan čebel #4 - Čebela

 "If the bee disapears from the surface of the Earth,
man would have no more than four years to live."
Albert Einstein

Tako majhno bitje, 
ki ima tako velik pomen za človeštvo.

The Honey Bee.
Such a small creature but
with such great importance for humanity.

Draga čebela, brez tebe ni življenja!
Brez tebe ni opraševanja in ni več rastlin, živali
in tudi ne človeka, zato pazimo nate

Dear Honey Bee, without you there is no life!
Without you there is no pollination and there are no more plants,
animals and not even a man, that's why we look after you.

V Sloveniji prebiva Kranjska čebela,
imenovana tudi kranjska sivka in je avtohtona slovenska čebelja rasa
ter na svetu druga najbolj razširjena rasa medonosne čebele.

The Carniolan Bee lives in Slovenia,
also named "grizzly" and is an autochthonous
and the second most widespread race of honey bee in the world.

Res sem ponosna na našo majhno in zeleno deželo Slovenijo.
 Na pobudo naše države, ki je predlagala obeleženje svetovnega dneva čebel,
smo v mesecu maju, natančneje 20. maja praznovali že 5. Svetovni dan čebel.

Today I'm very proud of our small and green country Slovenia.
At the initiative of our country which proposed the celebration of the World Bee Day,
we celebrated in May, the 5th World Bee Day on May 20.

20. maj je pomemben datum za Slovence in cel svet,
saj se je takrat rodil Anton Janša, slovenski čebelar in pionir sodobnega čebelarstva
ter eden največjih strokovnjakov za čebele.

20th May is a very important date for Slovenia and the whole world,
because Anton Janša, a Slovenian beekeper, a pioner of modern beeking and
one of the greatest bee experts was born

Ker ima samo čebela takšno moč
za celoten svet in človeštvo, se že tretjič pridružujem
To Bee Or Not To Bee Blog Hop-u in te povabim, da se pridružiš.

Just bee-cuz only a bee has such power
for the whole world and humanity, I'm joining for the 3rd time to To Bee Or Not To Bee Blog Hop
 and I'm inviting you to join me.

Zadnja postaja je pri Milki, kjer se ponovno ustavi,
ko obiščeš vse bloge in pustiš komentarje, dodaš svoje ime na seznam InLinkz,
da si v izboru za super lepe nagrade. :)

The last stop is at Milka's blog again.
After you visit all the blogs and commenting, add your name to the InLinkz,
so you have the chance for really beautiful prizes. :)

Pri skakanju z bloga na blog lahko zadeneš kar eno izmed 7-ih super lepih nagrad,
ki jih velikodušno podarjajo fantastični ustvarjalci, izjemni oblikovalci in ustvarjalna podjetja.
Za vse dodatne informacije pa obišči Milkin blog.

Hoping from blog to blog can bring you one of the 7 wonderful prizes
generously donated by fantastic artists, amazing designers and creative companies.
You can find more about it at Milka's blog

Praznovanje, s katerim želimo zaščititi čebele,
ozavestiti javnost o pomenu čebel in čebelarstvu ter  koristi uporabe
 čebelarskih proizvodov za naše zdravje.

Celebration with which we want to protect bees,
to raise awareness of the importance of bees and beekeeping and benefits
of using beekeeping products for our health.

Hvala, ker si se nam pridružil pri blog hopu ob 5. Svetovnem dnevu čebel.
In hvala, ker si obiskal tudi moj blog ter za vse prijazne komentarje.
Praznujmo, ozaveščajmo in ohranimo čebele!

Thank you for joining us at blog hop To Bee Or Not To Bee Blog Hop on World Bee Day
Thank you for visiting my blog and all your lovely comments.
Let's celebrate and let's raise awareness about bees.
Save the bees!

Čebelanjak in čebela v Mozirskem gaju/
The Beehouse and the Bee in Mozirski gaj

Lep pozdrav! Naj medi!
Bee Huugzzzz!🐝
Voščilnico prijavljam v:
The Paper Players -PP604: A color challenge
As You Like It Challenge - Favourite Domestic Animal (And why)
As a proud Slovenian girl I love this little creature.
Without bees there is no life on the Earth.
So let's save the bees!

19 komentarjev:

  1. What a precious sweet bee image. Lovely card.

  2. This is DARLING! I LOVE the bee and CAS card design!

  3. Adorable image for your sweet card! Love the darling bee on the daisy, and the fun sentiment too!

  4. What an adorable bee and such a pretty card. Love the yellow edging and glow around the bee. So pretty. Hugz

  5. Adorable bee card, love so much the simple and very effective design!! That bee is so CUTE!
    If you are interested, you might enter your fabulous card also in our We Love Stamping August challenge, where the theme is "In my garden"

  6. Such a sweet bee card! I too am concerned about the pesticide use and farming practices that are affecting bee health and numbers. We have bee/hummingbird friendly plants and flowers in our yard. Thanks for participating for this great cause.

  7. What a precious bee! I LOVE bees...always have. This one on a flower is so sweet. I LOVE it!

  8. this is super cute card!
    Lvoe it!

  9. Your bee is so cute! I’ve been enjoying this hop and getting great ideas for my own cards, and something I’d like to try is adding some ink behind a focal point like you’ve done here. It really makes the focal point pop.

  10. How sweet and cute!! Love your soft yellows to accent the card!

  11. This little bee is just so adorable.

  12. This is cuteness galore! Your little bee is adorable and I love the sentiment! Thank you for your bee-autiful inspiration! Great hop!

  13. Adorable image and lovely sentiment. Thanks for celebrating the bees!

  14. Draga Valentina, hvala na čudovitem blog post-u. Rada berem pri tebi. 😊❤ Čestitka je beeeee-autiful. 😍😍 Hvala da si se tudi to leto udeležila blog hop-u. 😊

  15. What an adorable and BEEutiful card Valentina! Very sweet!!

  16. Delightful CAS design, love this little cutie perched on the flower. Thanks for the inspiration.
