"Life depends on little things we take for granted."
Cvetoč mesec maj.
Meni eden najlepših mesecev v letu,
ko se narava oddane v čudovito zelene in cvetoče barve.
Blooming month of May.
It's one of the most beeautiful months of the year,
when nature delivered into amazing green and flowering colours.
Obenem je tudi mesec bujnega razvoja čebel in narave na severni polobli,
na južni polobli pa jesenski čas, ko se pobirajo čebelji proizvodi
in se začne sezona medu in medenih izdelkov.
At the same time it's the month when the north hemisphere sees bees and nature develope profusely,
while the southern hemisphere enters autumn, when hive products are harvested
and the season of honey and honey-based products begins.
Cvetenje na travnike privabi ta majhna drobna bitja.
Pridne čebele delavke, ki letajo s cveta na cvet
in nabirajo cvetni prah.
Flowering in the meadows attracts these small tiny creatures.
Worker bees that fly from flower to flower
and collect pollen.
Danes sem zelo ponosna na našo majhno in zeleno deželo Slovenijo.
Na pobudo naše države, ki je predlagala obeleženje svetovnega dneva čebel,
praznujemo 2.Svetovni dan čebel.
In počaščena, da lahko sodelujem v posebnem projektu
Naše življenje je namreč odvisno od teh majhni drobnih bitij, pa se tega niti ne zavedamo.
Brez njih ne bi bilo opraševanja, ki je pomembno, saj zagotavlja hrano in prehransko varnost.
Pomembno vlogo imajo tudi k blažitvi podnebnih sprememb, ohranjanju zdravega okolja,
same pa so čebele vedno bolj ogrožene.
Our life depends on these little creatures, but we are not even aware of this.
Without them there would be no pollinating, which is crucial because it provides food and food security.
They also play an important role in mitigating climate change, maintaining a healthy environment
and the bees themselves are increasingly endangered.
Blog Hop:
1. Milka Gubo
2. Alexandra Suta
3. Alice Huang
4. Amy Tsuruta
5. Dona Mikasa
6. Kathy Curry
7. Larissa Walgemoed
8. Neha Bhatt
9. Nonni Niskanen
10. Samantha Mann
11. Sonja Kerkoffs
12. Tina Pavlovic
13. Valentina Bizjak (Tukaj si/You are here)
14. Gerda Steiner Designs (sponsor) (Naslednja postaja/Nex stop)
15. Honey Bee Stamps (sponsor)
16. Lawn Fawn (sponsor)
17. Newton's Nook Designs (sponsor)
18. Paper Smooches (sponsor)
19. Pretty Pink Posh (sponsor)
20. Uniko (sponosor)
21. Your Next Stamp (sponsor)
Pri skakanju z bloga na blog lahko zadeneš kar eno izmed 19 super nagrad,
ki jih velikodušno podarjajo fantastični ustvarjalci, izjemni oblikovalci in ustvarjalna podjetja.
Med blog hopom bo še nekaj dodatnih nagrad, zato le preveri, kje se skrivajo. ;)
Za vse dodatne informacije pa obišči Milkin blog.
Hoping from blog to blog can bring you one of the 19 wonderful prizes
generously donated by fantastic artists, amazing designers and creative companies.
There will be also couple of additional giveaways along the hop and don't forget to check it out.
You can find more about it at Milka's blog.

Sama podarjam izjemno krasno broško čebele, katere ponosna lastnica sem tudi sama. :)
Ustvarila jo je čudovita slovenska ustvarjalka Urška, ki stoji za imenom Voleska,
Tvoja naloga je le, da pustiš komentar na vsaki postaji blog hopa.
I'm giving aways this extremely amazing brooch of bee, whose proud owner I am too. :)
It was created by the wonderful Slovenian artist Urška, who stands behind the name Voleska.
You just need to leave a comment on each blog hop stop.
Pridruži se nam pri blog hopu. Več o tem pa preberi pri Milki na blogu.
Hvala, ker si se ustavil pri meni in pustil komentar.
Ohranimo čebele!
Join us at blog hop. You can read more about it at Milka's blog.
Thank you for visiting my blog and all your lovely comments.
Save the bees!
Voščilnico prijavljam v:
Alphabeth Challenge - D is for Distressed - Inks/Paper
Bee Huugzzzz!🐝
Cvetoč mesec maj.
Meni eden najlepših mesecev v letu,
ko se narava oddane v čudovito zelene in cvetoče barve.
Blooming month of May.
It's one of the most beeautiful months of the year,
when nature delivered into amazing green and flowering colours.
Obenem je tudi mesec bujnega razvoja čebel in narave na severni polobli,
na južni polobli pa jesenski čas, ko se pobirajo čebelji proizvodi
in se začne sezona medu in medenih izdelkov.
At the same time it's the month when the north hemisphere sees bees and nature develope profusely,
while the southern hemisphere enters autumn, when hive products are harvested
and the season of honey and honey-based products begins.
Cvetenje na travnike privabi ta majhna drobna bitja.
Pridne čebele delavke, ki letajo s cveta na cvet
in nabirajo cvetni prah.
Flowering in the meadows attracts these small tiny creatures.
Worker bees that fly from flower to flower
and collect pollen.
Danes sem zelo ponosna na našo majhno in zeleno deželo Slovenijo.
Na pobudo naše države, ki je predlagala obeleženje svetovnega dneva čebel,
praznujemo 2.Svetovni dan čebel.
Today I'm very proud of our small and green country Slovenia.
At the initiative of our country which proposed the celebration of the Bee Day,
we celebrate the 2nd World Bee Day.
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Povezava: https://www.worldbeeday.org/si/gradivo.html#logotip |
In počaščena, da lahko sodelujem v posebnem projektu
To Bee Or Not To Bee Blog Hop-u, ki ga gosti ustvarjalna prijateljica Milka,
ki je zbrala ustvarjalke s celega sveta, da se ji pridružimo pri praznovanju.
And I'm honored to participate in this special project
To Bee Or Not To Bee Blog Hop, hosted by my crafty friend Milka
who has gathered crafty friends from all around the world to join her to celebrate.
Malce drugačno praznovanje, s katerim želimo zaščititi čebele,
ki je zbrala ustvarjalke s celega sveta, da se ji pridružimo pri praznovanju.
And I'm honored to participate in this special project
To Bee Or Not To Bee Blog Hop, hosted by my crafty friend Milka
who has gathered crafty friends from all around the world to join her to celebrate.
Malce drugačno praznovanje, s katerim želimo zaščititi čebele,
ozavestiti javnost o pomenu čebel in čebelarstvu ter koristi uporabe
čebelarskih proizvodov za naše zdravje.
čebelarskih proizvodov za naše zdravje.
A little bit different celebration with wich we want to protect bees,
to raise awareness of the importance of bees and beekeping and benefits
of using beekiping products for our health.
Naše življenje je namreč odvisno od teh majhni drobnih bitij, pa se tega niti ne zavedamo.
Brez njih ne bi bilo opraševanja, ki je pomembno, saj zagotavlja hrano in prehransko varnost.
Pomembno vlogo imajo tudi k blažitvi podnebnih sprememb, ohranjanju zdravega okolja,
same pa so čebele vedno bolj ogrožene.
Our life depends on these little creatures, but we are not even aware of this.
Without them there would be no pollinating, which is crucial because it provides food and food security.
They also play an important role in mitigating climate change, maintaining a healthy environment
and the bees themselves are increasingly endangered.
Blog Hop:
1. Milka Gubo
2. Alexandra Suta
3. Alice Huang
4. Amy Tsuruta
5. Dona Mikasa
6. Kathy Curry
7. Larissa Walgemoed
8. Neha Bhatt
9. Nonni Niskanen
10. Samantha Mann
11. Sonja Kerkoffs
12. Tina Pavlovic
13. Valentina Bizjak (Tukaj si/You are here)
14. Gerda Steiner Designs (sponsor) (Naslednja postaja/Nex stop)
15. Honey Bee Stamps (sponsor)
16. Lawn Fawn (sponsor)
17. Newton's Nook Designs (sponsor)
18. Paper Smooches (sponsor)
19. Pretty Pink Posh (sponsor)
20. Uniko (sponosor)
21. Your Next Stamp (sponsor)
Pri skakanju z bloga na blog lahko zadeneš kar eno izmed 19 super nagrad,
ki jih velikodušno podarjajo fantastični ustvarjalci, izjemni oblikovalci in ustvarjalna podjetja.
Med blog hopom bo še nekaj dodatnih nagrad, zato le preveri, kje se skrivajo. ;)
Za vse dodatne informacije pa obišči Milkin blog.
Hoping from blog to blog can bring you one of the 19 wonderful prizes
generously donated by fantastic artists, amazing designers and creative companies.
There will be also couple of additional giveaways along the hop and don't forget to check it out.
You can find more about it at Milka's blog.

Sama podarjam izjemno krasno broško čebele, katere ponosna lastnica sem tudi sama. :)
Ustvarila jo je čudovita slovenska ustvarjalka Urška, ki stoji za imenom Voleska,
Tvoja naloga je le, da pustiš komentar na vsaki postaji blog hopa.
I'm giving aways this extremely amazing brooch of bee, whose proud owner I am too. :)
It was created by the wonderful Slovenian artist Urška, who stands behind the name Voleska.
You just need to leave a comment on each blog hop stop.
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Čebela je ročno delo ustvarjalke Urške, ki stoji za imenom Voleska. |
Hvala, ker si se ustavil pri meni in pustil komentar.
Ohranimo čebele!
Join us at blog hop. You can read more about it at Milka's blog.
Thank you for visiting my blog and all your lovely comments.
Save the bees!
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Povezava: https://www.worldbeeday.org/files/pictogram/LOGO_ohranimo_cebelo.jpg |
Voščilnico prijavljam v:
Alphabeth Challenge - D is for Distressed - Inks/Paper
Bee Huugzzzz!🐝
That's a beautiful card! :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiI love the design of your card - how you embossed in gold the honeycomb on each corner. And the shine of the bees wings! So very pretty!
OdgovoriIzbrišiLovely design and background!
OdgovoriIzbrišiGorgeous card!
OdgovoriIzbrišithis card is so cute - love it:)
OdgovoriIzbrišiBee hugs back at you. Cute card. Love the picture of the paper bee and the wildflowers. [Bunny]
OdgovoriIzbrišiOooo Valentina, čudovito voščilnico si naredila. Zelo mi je všeč. :o) Zelo mi je všeč tudi tekst (ZELO LEPO pišeš). :o) In pa broška... prečudovita je!! :o) Hvala ti ker sodeluješ pri bloh hopu in za čudovito nagrado. :o) xx
OdgovoriIzbrišiBeautiful background! I love the hexagons in the corners and the pics of the bees in your post!
OdgovoriIzbrišiBeautiful. I love the yellow background so much!
OdgovoriIzbrišiI like your very long card design for this fun card.
OdgovoriIzbrišiWhat a great card design - love the shape and your beautiful background too! And that sentiment is PERFECT!
OdgovoriIzbrišiBeautiful card! Your bee looks so real!
OdgovoriIzbrišiBeautiful card! I love the colors!
OdgovoriIzbrišiBeautiful card and beautiful brooch! I love all that you said in your blog about the bees. They are so important. My grandpa was a beekeeper. We all need to remember how important the bees are!
OdgovoriIzbrišiSuch a beautiful card. I love how you used gold to emboss.
OdgovoriIzbrišiBeautiful card! Thanks for sharing and taking part in this great hop.
OdgovoriIzbrišiBeautiful card! Thanks for sharing and taking part in this great hop.
OdgovoriIzbrišiBeautiful card! Thanks for sharing and taking part in this great hop.
OdgovoriIzbrišiPretty card! Love the colors and textures! Beautiful brooch too! Happy World Bee Day!
OdgovoriIzbrišiNice card. Thanks for sharing this with us.
OdgovoriIzbrišiSuch a detailed idea put on paper!
OdgovoriIzbrišiLove the sunny yellow and your hexagons in the corners! Bee-utiful!
OdgovoriIzbrišiOOOOOOOOOOh I love this!
OdgovoriIzbrišiBeautiful card, and I love the brooch, too!
OdgovoriIzbrišiBeautiful card!
OdgovoriIzbrišiPrekrasna voščilnica. Všeč so mi čudovite tople barve.
OdgovoriIzbrišiWhat a beautiful project!
OdgovoriIzbrišiFabulous card, love the golden honeycombs! That brooch is beautiful too! As an avid gardener I do appreciate the help I get from bees and I know they enjoy what I plant!
OdgovoriIzbrišiI love blog hops because they inspire me to create! Thank you for sharing your beautiful creations.
OdgovoriIzbrišiThe golden honeycombs are best. Love the colors, the brooch and the message.
OdgovoriIzbrišiThanks for sharing your creation.
Simple and beautiful!! I love the sparkle and shine from the hexagon die cuts!
OdgovoriIzbrišiSo pretty!
OdgovoriIzbrišiSo cute, Love the metallic bee!
OdgovoriIzbrišiBeautiful card with a great design!
OdgovoriIzbrišiSuch a lovely card.. And love that cute BEE brooch..
OdgovoriIzbrišiBeautiful bee card...I love how you did the background on it. :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiBee-utiful card! Love all the gold and wonderful Bee brooch.
OdgovoriIzbrišiSQUEAL!! LOVE LOVE LOVE the BEE Inspiration!! Such an AMAZING Design!! THANKS for sharing and have a FABULOUS WEEK!!
OdgovoriIzbrišiSo pretty. Love this hop. HUgz
OdgovoriIzbrišiYour card is beautiful and very inspirational. Love the colors!! The bee brooch is stunning!!
OdgovoriIzbrišiSuch a beautiful card
OdgovoriIzbrišiLove the card and the use of distress ink!!!
OdgovoriIzbrišiI love the card and colors.
OdgovoriIzbrišiFabulous card.... wonderful scene and cute bee.
OdgovoriIzbrišiCrafty hugs, Eva Scraps
Gorgeous distressed background for your bee themed stamps, beautiful card a nd story behind it, thank you for joining in at the Alphabet Challenge
OdgovoriIzbrišiWhat a lovely card, love that golden hints! And your brooch is so cute :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiČudovita voščilnica in zelo lepa gesta, kako se pokloniti čebeli.
OdgovoriIzbrišiWhat a beautiful card! I love the background you created. :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiWhat a gorgeous card! Love your colouring!!! This bee brooch is adorable!!!
OdgovoriIzbrišiI really like your classic look. It is just beautiful
OdgovoriIzbrišiIt's very beautiful card!
OdgovoriIzbrišiLovely card to celebrate this special day.
OdgovoriIzbrišiAn awesome card.
OdgovoriIzbrišiNice card, like the artsy look.
OdgovoriIzbrišiA stunning card. . Thank for joining us at Alphabet Challenges for the letter D. Caz. DT.
OdgovoriIzbrišiBeautiful cards!
OdgovoriIzbrišiBeautiful bee themed card and sweet bee brooch. We have two hives in our backyard.
OdgovoriIzbrišiOh what a lovely and creative card! Such a beautiful design and I love the long format.
OdgovoriIzbrišiWow, your card is stunning! I love the glitter hexagons and colors you used. Thanks for the inspiration.
OdgovoriIzbrišigorgeous color combo and fabulous card!!!
OdgovoriIzbrišiYour card is so lovely!
OdgovoriIzbrišiYour longer shaped and creative card is adorable!
OdgovoriIzbrišiadorable ! how creative !
OdgovoriIzbrišiGorgeous makes.
OdgovoriIzbrišiČudovita voščilnica.
OdgovoriIzbrišilovely card. love the colrs too. Hugs
OdgovoriIzbrišiWow, your card is beautiful!
OdgovoriIzbrišisuch a great look!!
OdgovoriIzbrišiI really like the different size of the card that you used; it really showcases the wonderful colors you used and makes the card pop or buzz with excitement! Great work and I think it is bee-utiful!
OdgovoriIzbrišiLove the glow on the bees wings.
OdgovoriIzbrišiThe horizontal card gives you more
room to highlight the hives.
Great card. thanks for sharing
Lovely bright card.
OdgovoriIzbrišiReally love your card and the shine on the bee's wings. Love your brooch and the bee pictures you shared with us too! Thank you so much for being a part of this blog hop and helping to share the awareness of the importance of bees. I know that unpasteurized honey changed my life for the good.
OdgovoriIzbrišioo, prekrasna je, res medene barve!